//Hurray, it is vacation time… and time for dancing!

Hurray, it is vacation time… and time for dancing!

We are waiting both the great and small with our Company’s performances! In the continuation of our lively and colorful spring season we are offering
real refreshment for this sweaty summer days.

We have kicked the summer season by performing on the 15th Hungarian Dance Festival in Győr then joined the
‘HUNGAstRY’ cultural festival in Brussels for the third time.

On the 3rd of August we invite you to come and see us at the Budapest Summmer Festival where you can enjoy the andventurous story of our ‘Enchandted book’, a children performnace that also will be presented two times in the frames of the Erzsébet Programme in Zánka.

Do not miss the upcoming shows, follow us on our website or the Inversedance’s official Facebook page.
