///You and the world
You and the world 2024-03-15T14:36:24+00:00


„Bennünk, bent, nincs részlet s határ,
nincs semmi tilos,
mi csak mi vagyunk, egy-egy magány,
se jó, se rossz.
Rejtőzz mélyre magadba! Ott
még rémlik valami elhagyott
nagy és szabad álom, ahogy
anyánk, a végtelen
tenger, emlékként, könnyeink
s vérünk savában megjelen.”
(Lőrinc Szabó– Az Egy álma)
Lőrinc Szabó, the two-time Kossuth Prize and József Attila Prize winner poet and translator was one of the most outstanding creators of the 90s. He left behind a rich oeuvre, enriching Hungarian culture as the great figure of the Hungarian lira. In addition to creating his works, we can thank him for reading and sharing the works of iconic writers and poets of world literature, such as Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Moliére, Guy de Moupassant, and Thomas Hardy, among others in Hungarian. With our newest piece, our company pays homage to the work of Lőrinc Szabó, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the poet’s birth.
The „You and the world” would like to create imagery inspired by the poems from the volume with the same title. This depiction symbolizes and presents the thoughtfulness of the poems from this period of the poet’s life. Nevertheless, it goes beyond the concrete words and gives space for free association.The piece seeks to follow the poet’s triple thematization of systems of relations, in which, in addition to the “ME”, there is the “YOU” defined relative to the “ME”, and the environment surrounding these two.
This triple system provides an opportunity for a quite intimate representation, in which the “ME”, as a self-address, observes the recognized or subconscious discursive desires and constraints of the “YOU” as an external observer. On the other hand, approaching from the big world, it depicts the relationship between the masses and the individual in different ways.

Choreography: ZOLTÁN FODOR

Lighting design and vision: ZOLTÁN FODOR


Set design: TAMÁS RÁKAY

Costume design: DIÁNA SÁRA VERÉB


Performed by: the INVERSEDANCE I Zoltán Fodor Company

World premiere: 22 May, 2021

Supported by Municipality of Balatonföldvár, Ministry of Human Resources, National Cultural Fund and Performing and Creative Arts Foundation.

The performance is co-produced by the Inversedance Company and the National Dance Theatre.