Home 2024-01-17T14:15:23+00:00

Let us Introduce Ourselves

The INVERSEDANCE | Zoltan Fodor Company was founded by the Performing and Creative Arts Foundation after several years of operating as a project-company. Its members are awarded, professional dancers lead by the dancer-choreographer Zoltán Fodor.

Zoltán Fodor made his debut as a choreographer in 2005 by creating a piece for the Budapest Dance Theatre and later on he has collaborated in several indenpendent projects and made choreographies for numerous long-established schools, independent- and national companies.

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Take a Look Around

The Giver Premiere

THE GIVER PREMIERE .... On the 7th of May, alongside great success, we premiered The Giver in the National Dance Theatre. Thank you to [...]

Our Tour in Transylvania

OUR TOUR IN TRANSYLVANIA .... Vuk visited Marosvásárhely and Székelyudvarhely This week we were able to perform our children piece, Vuk on the stage [...]

What the Critics Say

„It is no surprise that the finale, and the bows of the seven dancers and two singers are followed by an incredible ovation, one of those reminding of a rock concert.” (The Adventures of Vackor)
Sándor Márton Varga, tanckritika.hu
„It’s a mature and compact piece without any blur and ambiguity, which still manages to be mysterious.” (Subconscious)
Györgyi Pónyai, Ellenfény
„The performance brought down the house at its premiere at the National Dance Theatre.” (Verdi Miniatures)
András Muzsay, Infóvilág
„…Esther is a well structured, fast-paced, nicely put together contemporary dance performance.” (Esther)
Virág Vida, kultura.hu
Inversedance’s Vuk is everything that a dance performance needs to be. Kind, gripping, humorous, and of course lightly cathartic while beautifully simple.” (Vuk)